Every so often we are approached to see if the club would like to offer a booking to folk artists from abroad who are on tour in a particular month. We Mavericks ( https://www.wemavericks.com.au/) are Lindsay Martin and Victoria Vigenser. Lindsay’s masterful strings and vocals complement songstress Victoria’s magnificent voice and driving rhythms. Originally from Riverina in New South Wales and Auckland in New Zealand respectively, they first played together in 2018, but have since had a fast rise to Australian festivals, music awards and as the Australian choice to attend Folk Alliance International. Ambient Light NZ sums them up “glorious harmonies and touching melodies of We Mavericks. Together they craft exquisite folk music, evoking spirits originating from Appalachia to Alba.”
Admission is £12 or £10 for current members. Please bring cash as we don’t yet have any card facilities. Doors open at 7.45 pm for an 8.15pm start and we finish by 11pm.
We are open every Wednesday until our party on 18 December, with singers and musician nights apart from the guest nights below. Membership is now £5 for the rest of the year.