Every so often a young singer comes along with fire and ambition
to prove that traditional and self-penned material sung to guitar
can stir audiences. Johnny has been writing and delving deep into
northern English folk song and story since 2015, releasing 3
albums and earning a formidable reputation, as you will see from
the following quotes: –
The spirit of the folk clubs in their heyday runs in his veins.
I defy anyone not to be galvanised by the total integrity of his
exceptional rendition of Ewan MacColl’s Moving on Song.
The Living TraditionLike a modern-day Billy Bragg, he’s all about the fight.
TradfolkAdmission is £8.00 for non-members and £6.00 for members. Please
bring cash as we don’t have card facilities. Doors open at 8.00 pm for an
8.30 pm start and we finish by 11.10 pm. We then have singers’ nights
every Wednesday apart from the guest nights listed below and 28
December when the Club is closed.Updated list of guest nights: –
Wednesday 14 December—Johnny Campbell
Wednesday 18 January – Jez Lowe
Wednesday 15 February – Paul Carbuncle
Wednesday 15 March – Sally Ironmonger & Brian Carter
Wednesday 29 March – Marc Block
Wednesday 19 April – Jack Rutter