Every 3 or 4 years we book Jez Lowe because he consistently gives
us an entertaining night with self-penned material sung to guitar or
cittern. His Durham roots come across in most of his songs and he’s
received many nominations in both Sony Awards & BBC Folk Awards.
There is a link to our last guest Johnny Campbell as Jez interviews
him on Radio 4 ‘Open Country’ this week. Jez has just finished a tour
with his group ‘The Bad Pennies’ and has also been touring with The
Pitmen Poets. His other collaboration at Gate to Southwell Festival
last summer was with Steve Tilston, but for us he’ll be solo and
selling his latest CD ‘Crazy Pagan’.
Jez Lowe is one of our finest songwriters
BBC Radio 2
Annual membership of £10 is now due but will give free admission to all
singers’ nights. It has been necessary to increase the annual subscription as
we now have to pay the pub for use of the room which had previously been
free. Once you have paid £10 to join you then come in for £6.00 which is the
members’ rate. Anyone not wanting to join pays £10 that night. Please bring
cash as we don’t have card facilities. Please note – Doors now open at 7.45
pm for an 8.15 pm start and we now finish at 11 pm. We’ll then have singers’
nights every Wednesday apart from the guest nights listed below.
Updated list of further guest nights: –
Wednesday 15 February – Paul Carbuncle
Wednesday 15 March – Sally Ironmonger & Brian Carter
Wednesday 29 March – Marc Block
Wednesday 19 April – Jack Rutter
Wednesday 17 May – Bella Gaffney